The Autism Spectrum Practice
The Autism Spectrum Practice uses a functional medicine approach to optimize children’s health.
Listen to Dr. Van Zant talk about our approach.
Maureen Eisenberg, C-PNP, leads The Autism Spectrum Practice. She is fellowship trained through MAPS and specializes in treating patients with neurodiversity and Autism Spectrum Disorder using a functional medicine approach.
Melissa is the practice’s main nurse and oversees all the clinical aspects of The Autism Spectrum Practice.
Functional Medicine’s Role in Autism Care
Functional medicine can significantly improve the lives of children on the spectrum by addressing imbalances through advanced testing and interventions. We focus on areas such as nutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, food allergies, gut microbiome, methylation, mitochondrial dysfunction, and toxicity. Genomic analysis is often used as a foundation to understand a child’s unique genomic tendencies and to enhance treatment recommendations.
Genomic Evaluations for Autism
The ability to evaluate our genomic predisposition is rapidly changing the medical landscape. Genomic evaluations offer personalized treatment by identifying genetic variations called “SNiPs” (single nucleotide polymorphisms) that impact areas such as brain function, detoxification, and inflammation. This provides targeted insights for individualized care.
Van Zant Medical Group is excited to be able to offer this to the autism community. You can learn more about our genomic tool, IntellxxDNA, here.
Cerebral Folate Deficiency/FRAT Testing
At Van Zant Medical Group, we use FRAT (folate receptor antibody testing) and IntellxxDNA genomic evaluation to identify cerebral folate deficiency and then treat if needed with folate that can enter the brain.
Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Autism
Mitochondrial function, essential for energy production, is often disrupted in children with autism. Specialized testing at our practice, such as Mitoswab and organic acid testing, detects mitochondrial dysfunction, allowing for precise interventions.
Comprehensive Care Approach
Our practice takes a step-by-step approach, addressing complex medical issues by evaluating gut function, detoxification, and biochemical processes. We are dedicated to guiding families through every layer of care.
Supporting Your Child’s Full Potential
At our Autism Spectrum Practice, our goal is to help your child reach their fullest potential by providing holistic, individualized care. We are committed to helping them lead their best life.